About a year ago, I started thinking looking around for a careers book to recommend to graduates and other entry-level job seekers. Something that would tell them all about PR, and how to go about getting a job in the industry. A quick search on Amazon revealed that there actually isn’t any useful books on the subject – so I decided to write one.
I floated the idea past some PR practitioners who thought it was a great idea, so I asked them to contribute. Over 50 PR practitioners, lecturers and recruiters have contrbituted to “How to get a job in PR”, and their tips are a must-read for any aspiring PR.
How to get a job in PR will be out on Tuesday 10th December in print and as a Kindle e-book and will be available on Amazon and on this website.
You can check out my new Facebook author page here.
And here’s my announcement as reported on Behind the Spin and on Gorkana.
Taylor Bennett Foundation Course Director, Sarah Stimson, to launch book, “How to get a job in PR”, on Tuesday 10th December 2013.
“How to get a job in PR” is a practical guide for anyone who wants to break into the communications industry and includes an overview of different PR sectors and disciplines, a step-by-step guide to creating an effective PR CV, job application tips, interviewing techniques, guidance on how to succeed once you have a PR job, a recommended reading list and directory of useful contacts and advice from leading industry figures.
The book includes contributions from over 50 PR practitioners and lecturers including:
Iain Anderson, Michele Andjel, Nina Arnott, Lawrence Atkinson, Richard Bailey, Robert Bailhache, Brian Beech, Antonia Betts, Simon Brocklebank-Fowler, Liz Bridgen, Ian Burge, Jonathan Charles, Nick Clark, Gene Cleckley. Adam Clyne, Robert Cole, Brendon Craigie, Jane Crofts, Andraea Dawson-Shepherd, Mark Demery, Jackie Elliot, Vernon Everitt, Jane Fletcher, Nicola Gibb, Lorna Gozzard, Neil Hedges, Joe Jenkins, Charles Lewington, Ben Matthews, Steve McCool, John Moorwood, Trevor Morris, Alex Pearmain, Robert Phillips, Philip Sheldrake, Paul Simpson, Donald Steel, Hilary Stepien, Gareth Thompson, Stephen Waddington, Andrew Walton and Steffan Williams.
“Improving access to the communications industry is vital if it is to attract top talent. “How to get a job in PR” demystifies the ways graduates and other entry-level job seekers can break into the PR industry. I am thrilled that so many PR practitioners have shared their thoughts and advice. Their invaluable tips are a must-read for all aspiring PRs.” commented author, Sarah Stimson.
“How to get a job in PR” will be available in paperback and as an e-book on Amazon.
10% of the royalties will be donated to the Taylor Bennett Foundation.
About the author: Sarah Stimson has a successful career with over a decade of experience in PR recruitment and training. In the past ten years she has placed PR practitioners in roles both agency side and in-house, from the very junior to the most senior. Currently she is the Course Director at the award-winning Taylor Bennett Foundation and has advised 100 graduate trainees on their PR careers and entry into the profession.
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