Remember me? You probably don't as I've commited the ultimate in blogging crimes, I stopped blogging. I know I know, the law of blogging says you must engage with the online community, write pithy and interesting content regularly and refrain from libelous content. I've still been writing, just not on here. Mostly on here: http://www.unicornjobs.com/ask-the-unicorn/ and also on here: http://www.financetalking.com/pages/resources/careers-uk.php
So what's happened since 2008? On the professional side, I am now self employed. This means I have to religiously put money aside every month for the tax man or face jail. I don't think I'd cut it in Holloway so I dutifully put my 25% away in an untouchable account and moan about it regularly. So to make ends meet I write (see above) and I am the course director for an incredible internship programme devoted to addressing the lack of ethnic diversity in PR, which you can read more about here: http://www.unicornjobs.com/diversity This means I teach employability and office based skills (like how to write thank you letters, seriously) to graduates, I also manage the day-to-day running of the programme so if you would like to know more about it feel free to ask.
My teaching and writing skills are up for hire so drop me a line if those interest you.
I also bake cakes. This is what interests most people. My cake website is undergoing a bit of a revamp so when it looks respectable I will introduce you to it. I have sold cakes at lots of farmers markets in and around Essex, but as my more serious job pays better and takes up more of my time I have put it on the back burner for the moment. I do still knock out the odd birthday cake or batch of cupcakes but it's not my main source of income. That said, there will be a few cake related posts in the near future so this blog really is going to be relevant for those people that have a love for PR careers or a love for cake. Off course a lucky few will love both in which case you've found nivarna.

On the personal front; I'm still married, no kids, 1 dog, 2 cats, live in Essex right by the beach, still dieting and I joined Twitter. I'm @gooorooo if you want to follow me.
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